Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Murrieta & Temecula’s Most Dedicated Swimming Pool Service

Temecula and Murrieta’s Best Swimming Pool Cleaning Service!
I can’t say enough about Fabio’s dedication to giving our Murrieta home’s swimming pool the best possible service! He’s here religiously every week making sure the water is sparkling and that the equipment is operating properly. I think there was one week in the past 2 years when he didn’t show up on his usual day, but that was due to a personal family issue. Understood!

The guy never takes a vacation, nor have ever sent a replacement. He’s completely dedicated to his clients and doesn’t trust anyone but himself to give their swimming pools the best possible service.

Here’s a little story about his concern for his customers....
A couple months ago I was in Connecticut visiting family when Superstorm Sandy hit. I wasn’t near the worst of it, but it was still quite a ride! A day later, a call comes in on my cellphone. I look at the caller ID and see it’s Fabio. Thinking there must be some disaster with my swimming pool back home for my pool guy to give me a call while I’m on vacation, I take the call. Fabio quickly assures me that the pool is just fine. He’s called to make sure I'M doing fine! He’s heard about the storm and remembered that I was back there, so he wanted to check in and see that I was ok. Can you believe that! Now that’s a caring man! Just a little insight to the level of care he has for his clients.

Check out his website, his Yelp listing for more customer reviews, and give him a call.

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